FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation
Department of Biochemistry & Nutrition (2004-2005) |
(Ms. Arroyo, Dra. Villanueva, Dr. de Villa, Dr. Tomas, Dra. Santos, Ms. Panuelos)
(Dra. Cruz, Dra. Viliran, Mr. Santos, Dra. Bringas, Dra. Alensuela, Ms. Marquez)
The Department of Biochemistry & Nutrition is composed of MDs with further training both in the basic science and clinical specialties. The acting head of the Department, Dr. Joel Javate is a practicing Pediatrician and is a Pediatric Nephrologist. The immediate past head of the Department, Dr. Romulo de Villa , has a PhD degree in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology from University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman through a scholarship from the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development and a Certificate degree in Biochemistry from the UP Manila. He did his dissertation research work on Methotrexate Drug Resistance of Human Carcinomas at Boston University Medical Center and at University of California Los Angeles. Dr. de Villa also finished all the academic courses for an MSc degree in Biochemistry from UP Manila. His clinical practice is on Nutritional Oncology. Dr. Jose Tomas has a MSc degree in Biochemistry from Indiana University Medical Center. Dr. Remedios Santos has a Certificate degree in Biochemistry and a Diploma in Applied Nutrition from University of Indonesia. She also finished all the academic courses for an MSc degree in Biochemistry from UP Manila. Dr. Dolores Viliran is currently pursuing her PhD degree in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology. Other clinicians in the Department include Dr. Rebecca Villanueva who is a practicing physical therapist, and Dr. Anna Belen Ignacio-Alensuela who is a practicing Obstetritian & Gynecologist. Dra Alensuela recently returned from subspecialty training in Gynecologic Endocrinology. Dr. Mary Ann Bringas is the department's youngest faculty.
The curriculum of Medical Biochemistry includes not only Biochemistry & Nutrition but also Molecular Biology through the strengths of its well trained faculty. In the year 2000, the department began a systems approach in line with other Departments in First Year Medicine. The department has also enhanced the library time of the students by teaching Cyber Medicine which includes the use of internet for scientific literature search, emergence of tele-medicine, preparation of review article in various topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and publishing in a personal website, and creation of Biochemistry animations.
Through a research grant from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and with the help of FEU-NRMF, the department has set-up a Cancer Research Laboratory (CRL) at the second floor of the Institute of Medicine. The laboratory is open for collaboration with other Departments in the Institute of Medicine as well as other Institutions.
Topics Covered:
Structure, Function and Metabolism of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids; Enzymology: Bioenergetics & Biologic Oxidation; Metabolic Control; Gene Expression; Nutrition (including Vitamins & Minerals); Special Tissues; Acid/Base, Water, Electrolytes; Chemistry of Respiration; Blood and Immunology; Molecular Biology Techniques; and Introduction to Research.
Teaching Methods Used:
Lecture/Discussion, Laboratory Experiments, Clinical Conferences, Problem Sets, Scientific Poster Presentation, Scientific Journal Reporting, and Actual Research Activity.
1. Basic principles are given during the Lecture/Discussion.
2. Laboratory experiments illustrate the basic principles of quantification and detection of substances found in the body fluids.
3. Clinical conferences illustrate the connection of Biochemistry with
(a) other basic subjects such as Physiology, Gross & Microscopic Human Structural Biology,
(b) clinical subjects such as Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and
(c) recently with Biomolecular Medicine.
4. Problem sets are also given so that students can practice applying the concepts learned from the lectures and reading assignments.
5. Journal reporting and poster presentation teaches the students to evaluate new information given in published journal articles.
6. Research activities teaches the students to acquire the skills to discover new information and how information in medicine was discovered
Department Head
Joel Javate, MD
Romulo S. de Villa, MD, PhD
Jose R. Tomas, MSc, MD
Remedios P. Santos, MD
Rebecca A. Villanueva, MD
Dolores V. Viliran, MD
Ana Belen I. Alensuela, MD
Mary Ann B. Bringas, MD
Renchie Arroyo
Laboratory Technitians
Jennifer Panuelos, RMT
Joy Marquez, RMT
Cancer Research Laboratory